Nabeel Parkar

Discovering Nabeel Parkar: Dart/Flutter Fullstack Engineer & Open Source Enthusiast

Hello, tech aficionados! I'm Nabeel Parkar, and today I'm thrilled to share with you my story as a Dart/Flutter Fullstack Engineer. Beyond just coding, I'm deeply involved in the open-source community, and I'm excited to showcase some of my contributions.

My Technical Landscape

At the core of my professional identity is a deep-rooted expertise in Dart and Flutter. These aren't just tools in my arsenal; they are the foundation of my creative and technical expression.

Flutter Framework

Here, I unleash my creativity, building user interfaces that are not only functional but also visually appealing. Flutter allows me to translate complex ideas into tangible user experiences.

State Management with BLoC

Juggling various states in an application can be a complex task. Using the BLoC pattern, I streamline this process, ensuring smooth and responsive applications.

Backend Skills

Whether it's handling databases or crafting server-side logic, my backend skills are an essential complement to my frontend development, enabling me to provide comprehensive solutions.

Proud Open Source Contributions

Open source is where my heart lies. It's not just about writing code; it's about building communities and sharing knowledge. Here are some of the open-source projects I've authored:


A backend framework for Dart, focusing on simplicity. Arcade makes backend development straightforward and enjoyable. Check it out here.


This is a validation library for Dart, inspired by the popular TS library Zod. It's designed to make data validation in Dart as easy and intuitive as possible. Learn more about Luthor here.


A library that enhances records in Dart, inspired by utility types in TypeScript. It's all about making Dart more powerful and versatile. Explore Supertypes here.